Channel: "Who would never be missed, who would never be missed"
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"Who would never be missed, who would never be missed"

On Page 3, why does Zodiac repeat "Who will never be missed", when detailing the types of people he plans on killing? Was it a mistake? Done intentionally? Another reference to the Mikado?

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Re: "Who would never be missed, who would never be missed"

Those are the lyrics to "As someday it may happen".Here is the Groucho version which I believe Zodiac was listening to:As some day it may happen that a victim must be found I've got...

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Re: "Who would never be missed, who would never be missed"

If so Tahoe it would match up nicely with the 'Groucho rabbitt' on the mysterous Christmas 'keys' card of 1990.

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Re: "Who would never be missed, who would never be missed"

And the Groucho snowman.

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Re: "Who would never be missed, who would never be missed"

Bundy said 'who cares if a few people go missing or are killed.'Words to that effect.Hey,so what If I kill few people there are lots of them out there. So many go missing so what?One killer said 'she...

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